OK Lab Frankfurt

“Gude” and welcome to the OK Lab Frankfurt am Main!

We are a local group that is actively engaged in open data and civic hacking. We are figuring out how code and data can help our city in order to to make our neighborhoods and broader region nicer and better using digital tools. We share knowledge, open up public data, create visualizations and applications and publish analyses. To achieve this, we meet regularly.

Come on by! We welcome new faces who bring their own ideas or support us on existing projects. Code for Frankfurt am Main, Germany!

You can sign up for our mailing list or via the form below, follow us on Twitter or contact us directly by E-mail. We are looking forward to meeting you!


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Real-time parking lot app for Frankfurt am Main

Displaying parking lot information for Frankfurt in a 5 min…

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Was bekomme ich in Frankfurt für meine Miete?

Visualisierung, die die Abhängigkeiten von verschiedenen Parametern wie Baumdichte, Ärztedichte…

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Toilets for the Disabled

Toilets for the Disabled zeigt ca. 1800 behindertengerechte Toiletten auf…
