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München Transparent

München Transparent (“Munich Transparent”) is a platform allowing the inhabitants of Munich fast and simple insight to municipal politics. This is achieved by presenting normally difficult to access data from the Munich municipal information system (“Ratsinformationssystem”) in a clean and pleasent interface. The data contains over 180,000 documents, ranging from city council proposals over resolution drafts to the daily newspaper of the city council, call “Rathausumschau”. This allows an overview of what the city council is doing at the moment and what are currently hot topics in the city council and in the city district councils.

München Transparent does not only want to deliver data, but also explain the procedures in municipal politics. To that end there’s a comprehensive glossary and a video explaining the path an initative takes before it becomes actual policy.

Besides an RSS-feed and a calendar export there’s the possibility to be notified via e-mail when there are new documents concerning a certain topic. In adition there is information about city councillors, the members of the city district councils, fixed events/dates, agendas and protocols as well as a list of statutes and regulations. For automated access an OParl-API is provided.

The software behind München Transparent is open source (the source code is available on GitHub) and was developed by Tobias Hößl, Bernd Oswald and Konstantin Schütze.