
Code for America Summit 2016


The sixth Code for America Summit took place November 1-3, 2016 in Oakland, CA. This annual conference is an opportunity for the civic tech community to meet, discuss, and take stock of the year’s successes and setbacks. Code for Germany also attended the summit, along with many other allies from the Code for All family. Here is our digest for those who couldn’t be there.

5 New Ideas

4 Not-to-be-missed Talks

3 Useful Facts

94% of government IT projects over $10 million fail.

There are twice as many FTSE100 bosses called ‘John’ as there are women.

Food metaphors are surprisingly apt for describing agile and iterative development.

2 Cool Projects to Check Out

It takes over an hour on average to apply for food stamps in California. GetCalFresh is an attempt to shorten that process.

Mexico City’s new state constitution has been in part crowdsourced, thanks to an initiative by the Laboratorio para la Ciudad.

1 Big Announcement

Code.gov is a brand new website that collects and open sources government code. What an excellent idea!